Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Web Developer Rip-off

Seem that a company ripped off a perfectly good GPLed firefox extension and sell it under different license.

AEVITA is currently selling Web Inspector for Internet Explorer. Judging from the look of the screenshots, icons, documentations, and behavior of the web inspector, it is clearly a rip off of Chris Pederick's Web Developer extension.

AEVITA clearly has several violations:
1) Some icons are trademarked by Mozilla Foundation.
2) The documentations are copyrighted by Chris Pederick
3) Selling (possibly stolen) GPLed codes under different license.

It is very upsetting to see a company taking a perfectly good GPLed appication and then sell it under different license without giving credit to the original developer(s). Something have to be done about it. Aza Dotzler is calling on everybody to contact AEVITA and complains to them that their action is wrong thing to do.

Since don't have talkbacks, here are the couple blogs (and discussions) about it: blog
Asa Dotzler's Blog

Update 1: AEVITA removed Web Inspector from their website.

Update 2: The AEVITA website just went down dues to exceeding bandwitdh limit (meaning, too many people getting into AEVITA website). In a way, its a small victory for open source community. Rip off a popular open sourced app and you will face pressure from very large open source community.

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